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Post Archive

On Thursday 9th and Friday 10th November the European Basic Skills Network (EBSN) will be hosting an online discussion about Family Learning on EPALE. We will
The EBSN Conference in June offered an excellent opportunity for a „carousel” presentation of the already existing SIGs, where the
Dana-Carmen Bachmann, Head of the Vocational Training and Adult Education Unit of the European Commission participated on the EBSN conference in
The Commission has adopted a new and comprehensive Skills Agenda for Europe. The aim is to ensure that the right
The European Basic Skills Network (EBSN) Annual Conference in 2016 took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 2-3 June. The conference
The Italian region of Reggio Emilia hosted a national conference on "Illiteracy and citizenship: Stories, statistics and rights in Italy
We are glad to announce that European Basic Skills Network has a new LinkedIn page. Our aim with this page
The three-day, text-based discussion in the framework of the EPALE Migrant Education Week focused on three different topics on three
Offenders in prisons are a small but significant part of the target group of basic skills policies. Europe’s prison population
Adult learning can improve lives and economies. Adult learning benefits individuals, companies and society. Adults that continue to learn earn more,

