epale Join the Upcoming EBSN Online Discussion on EPALE about Basic Skills in the Pact for Skills

Join the Upcoming EBSN Online Discussion on EPALE about Basic Skills in the Pact for Skills

The EBSN EPALE Team invites you to a pivotal online discussion “Basic Skills in the Pact for Skills” featuring notable speakers including Miguel Fernandez Diez and other key figures in adult education. Moderated by Daiana Huber, a member of the EBSN Executive Committee, this event promises an in-depth exploration of strategies and challenges in enhancing basic skills. Set to engage educators, policymakers, and adult learning professionals, this discussion is a must-attend for those looking to make a significant impact in the field. Join us for this enlightening session and be part of the conversation shaping adult education in Europe.
Join us on 13 December from 10:00 AM CET!

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