Austria | Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres |
Austria | Federal Ministry of Education, Dpt. II/5 Adult Education |
Belgium | Ligo, Centres for Adult Basic Education |
Belgium | Lire et Écrire |
Belgium | Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB) |
Bulgaria | Ministry of Education and Science |
Czech Republic | Association of Adult Education Institutions CR |
Czech Republic | Ministry of Education Youth and Sports – Adult Education Unit |
Czech Republic | National Institute for Education |
Cyprus | Cyprus Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth (MESY) |
Denmark | Folkuniversity, Oesthimmerland |
Denmark | Department of Education, Aarhus University |
Denmark | Ministry of Education |
Denmark | Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL) |
Denmark | VUC Storstrøm |
Estonia | Association of Estonian Adult Educators Andras |
Estonia | Estonian Non-formal Adult Education Association |
Finland | Ministry of Education and Culture |
Germany | Association of the Saarland Adult Education Centres |
Germany | German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) |
Germany | German Adult Education Association (DVV) |
Germany | Morgenstrom |
Greece | Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
General Secretariat for VET and Lifelong Learning
Hungary | MODUS Foundation |
Hungary | National Office of VET and Adult Learning |
Hungary | The Association for Lifelong Learning (ALLL) |
Ireland | AONTAS The National Adult Learning Organisation |
Ireland | National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) |
Italy | International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development (CEIPES) |
Italy | Italian Teachers and Principals Association- ADI |
Italy | National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies (INAPP)
Latvia | Ministry of Education and Science |
Liechtenstein | Adult Education Liechtenstein Foundation |
Lithuania | Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training Development Centre |
Luxemburg | Department of adult education (Ministry of education, Luxembourg) |
Malta | Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) |
Malta | Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Employability (MEYR), Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation |
Montenegro | Public institution The Centre for Vocational education |
Netherlands | Hogeschool Utrecht / HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht |
Netherlands | Reading and Writing Foundation |
Netherlands | National Library of the Netherlands, Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) |
Netherlands | New Veste Breda |
Netherlands | CINOP |
North Macedonia | Adult Education Center |
North Macedonia | Alliance for Development of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in the Republic of North Macedonia |
Norway | Educational Association AOF Norway |
Norway | Fretex Pluss AS |
Norway | Folkeuniversitetet Adult Education Association |
Norway | Fonix AS |
Norway | Municipal Adult Education Association |
Norway | Prios Kompetanse AS |
Poland | Educational Research Institute |
Portugal | Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University Lisbon |
Romania | Bucovina Institute |
Romania | Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning – CPIP |
Romania | Romanian Institute for Adult Education (IREA) |
Slovak Republic | Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic |
Slovak Republic | State Vocational Education Institute |
Slovenia | Ministry for Education, Science and Sport |
Slovenia | Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE) |
Slovenia | STEP Institute
Slovenia | ZLUS Association of Slovenian Adult Education Centres |
Spain | Catalan Association for Education, Training and Research (ACEFIR) |
Spain | Gentis Private Foundation |
Spain | Office of Educational Regulation and Assessment (Ministry of Education and Sports of Regional Government in Andalusia) |
Spain | Spanish Observatory of Validation of Professional Competencies (OBSERVAL) |
Sweden | Swedish National Agency of Education |
Switzerland | GmbH |
Switzerland | Flying Teachers Ltd. |
Switzerland | Swiss Federation for Adult Learning (SVEB) |
Switzerland | Swiss Association of Reading and Writing |
Switzerland | Department of Education and Culture, Division of Adult Learning and Higher Education |
United Kingdom | Education Scotland |
United Kingdom | National Learning and Work Institute |
United Kingdom | RaPAL / Research and Practice in Adult Literacies
United Kingdom | UCL Institute of Education |
United Nations | UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) |