Open the links to find information about past events where the EBSN has been invited.
June 30. – July 2. ALM21: “Adults Learning Mathematics – Inside and Outside the Classroom”
June 2. -6. EBSN Academy: Initial literacy for speakers of other languages: research policy and practice
April 12. – 19. Grundtvig Workshop in Brussels, Lire et Ecrire
March 24. – 29. EBSN Academy: Alphabétisation – instruction de base et integration
Nov. 13.-.15. Illettrisme – Grande Cause Nationale 2013
Oct. 31. National Literacy Colloquium in Bern
Oct. 27.-.29 Canadian Centre for Literacy – Fall Institute 2013
October 7. – 8. Literacy and Gender – International LitCam Conference
April 29. – 30. Terceres Jornades Europees d’ACEFIR 2013
April 26. – 26. UK contribution to EU Agenda for Adult Learning
March 1. Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning in Greece
February 1. Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning in Malta
June 6.–9. Development and Mobility for Adult Education Staff – Issues for Programme and Policy Planning.
4th Grundtvig Conference. Florence, Italy
Sept. 26.-28. Compétences de base pour Adultes/Grundbildung für Erwachsene, Luxembourg
Oct 26.-29. Professional Development of Basic Skills Teachers. Conference and Grundtvig Seminar, Sandefjord, Norway