Annual Conference Save the Date for the EBSN Annual Event 2025!

Save the Date for the EBSN Annual Event 2025!


We are pleased to announce that the EBSN Annual Conference and General Assembly will take place from the 18th to the 20th of June 2025, in Brussels, Belgium.
The theme of this year’s conference, “From evidence to action: Advancing adult basic skills for tackling inequalities,” highlights actionable steps and the application of PIAAC evidence to drive change. The discussions will focus on innovative approaches to addressing inequalities and embedding basic skills within broader policy frameworks.
The event will be held in the downtown area of Brussels and is organized by the European Basic Skills Network (EBSN) in cooperation with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and Ligo, Centres for Adult Basic Education from Belgium.
Please save these dates and join us for this important gathering of professionals and stakeholders dedicated to advancing adult basic skills. Further details, including the Call for Contributions and also and registration link, will be shared later.
We hope you will join us in Brussels this June to contribute to these important discussions.
