Past Conferences EBSN General Assembly and Annual Conference, 2019

EBSN General Assembly and Annual Conference, 2019

This year’s EBSN event was organized in cooperation with the Association of Estonian Adult Educators – Andras, the Estonian Non-formal Adult Education Association and the Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia.


Conference Booklet


Tallinn Conference Declaration


Photo Gallery


Plenary Presentations

Why we need fairy tales –basic skills today and tomorrowMaarja Vaino, director of Tallinn Literary Centre

The EBSN Capacity Building SeriesZoltán Várkonyi and Tamás Harangozó, EBSN EPALE Team

The EBSN’s CBS in the context of the Upskilling Pathways initiativePaul Holdsworth, Unit “Skills for Adults” at DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion at the European Commission


Workshop Presentations

Volkshochschulen: Basic education in the service of a democratic societyCelia Sokolowsky, DVV, German Adult Education Association, Germany

Structural Flemish approach: the Strategic Literacy PlanSara Jaminé, VOCVO, Belgium

Education and training in correctional centersVassiliki Nikolopoulou  and Angeliki Lytsiou, Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning, Greece


Basic Skills policies in Switzerland – basic skills within the framework of the recent Swiss law on further educationCäcilia Märki, Swiss Association of Adult Education (SVEB), Switzerland

Basic Skills in Finland, policy and implementationLeena Nissila, Finnish Agency for Education, Finland

Policy Support for the Implementation of Upskilling Pathways in HungaryZoltán Várkonyi and Enikő Jarmaczki, EBSN EPALE Team, Hungary


Take the first step – a national literacy and numeracy awareness campaign in Ireland – Clare McNally, NALA, Ireland

Combatting low literacy by targeting specific groups: CINOP’s innovative pilots for the Dutch government programme ‘Count on Skills’Myriam de Hoo, CINOP, Netherlands

Applying the goals of national policy to the individual’s needs – approach, methods and results of the work of Fønix, NorwayJan Evensen, Fønix AS, Norway


Professionalisation of Trainers for Work Based Basic SkillsChristianne Gatt Fenech, Directorate For Research, Lifelong Learning and Innovation, Malta

Supporting professional development of adult trainers in EstoniaMai Timmi, Ministry of Education and Research, Estonia

Teacher training for implementation of VARK learning strategies for adults with low basic skillsPatrick Ramberg Singler, Fønix AS, Norway


Carousel Presentations

“Are you as good as you think you are?” – Promoting self-assessments with social mediaIngrid Radtke, Skills Norway, Norway

Adult Learning curricula for developing key competences of employees Agnese Zarāne, Ministry of Education and Science Department of Vocational and Adult Education, Latvia

Learning and teaching basic skills and key competences in non-formal adult education centres and folk high schools in EstoniaEna Drenkhan,
Tartu Folk High School, Estonia, Margit Düüna, Training center Osilia, Estonia

Teenage tutors facilitating the acquisition of e-skills by older learners: the problem of tutor’s self-preparation and tacit knowledgeTiina Tambaum, Estonian Institute for Population Studies, Tallinn University, Estonia


Towards a Common European Numeracy FrameworkDr Kees Hoogland and Dr. Mieke van Groenestijn, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands

Lend Me Your Ears: when adults read aloud instead of in silenceSam Duncan, UCL Institute of Education, UK

Back to learning to formal education systemKarin Kurvits, Headmaster of Pärnu Adult Gymnasium, adult trainer, Estonia and Merle Protsin, Students counsellor, former student of Pärnu Adult Gymnasium, Estonia

