“National policy – Local implementation”
1st – 3rd June, 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Headquarter of the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education and Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Ljubljana
Plenary Presentations
Basic Skills in the context of the European Commission’s priorities – Dana Carmen Bachmann, Head of Unit for Vocational Learning and Adult Education, DG EMPL, European Commission
Adult Skills in the European Agenda for Adult Learning the Slovenian perspective – Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, SIAE
The EBSNs contribution to the Agenda activities, plans and visions – Graciela Sbertoli, EBSN
EBSN’s Contribution for the creation of a European wide EPALE community – Zoltán Várkonyi, EBSN EC Member
The Education 2030 Agenda (SDG 4) and Implications for Literacy, Basic Skills Policies – Ulrike Hanemann, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Increasing adult skills and competences the Slovenian model – Estera Mozina and Petra Javrh, SIAE
Roundtable discussion: (video) From national governance to local implementation: challenges and possibilities. – National Coordinators for Adult Learning in Slovenia and neighbouring countries, Facilitator: Hanne Christensen, CEDEFOP
EPALE Developments and plans – Rumen Halachev, EPALE CSS
EPALE Slovenia – Marusa Bajt, EPALE NSS Slovenia