“Research and Practice in Adult Literacies (RaPAL) is the only UK-wide organisation that focuses on the role of literacies in adult life. We promote effective and innovative practices in adult literacies teaching, learning and research; and support adult literacies practitioners and researchers. We enjoy engaging in debates that touch on English language and literacy, numeracy and digital skills across homes, communities and workplaces. Through our members, digital journals, conferences and fora, policy and advocacy work, we are active in Europe and have international links.”
National / international impact
RaPAL publishes three digital journals per year, which scaffold from reflective practice, through project work, to fully peer reviewed academic articles on practice, research and policy in the adult literacies field. We contribute to an annual joint national conference with partners, and ad hoc online and face-to-face events which respond to sector needs. We recently conducted a national survey of adult literacy provision and engage in a range of ad hoc and campaigning work supporting the sector.