Past Conferences EBSN General Assembly and Annual Conference, 2018 – Access to Basic Skills

EBSN General Assembly and Annual Conference, 2018 – Access to Basic Skills

“Access to Basic Skills

Berlin, 6- 8 June 2018

Palais Kulturbrauerei Berlin

Conference Program

Photo Gallery (soon)

Plenary Presentations

Literacy and Basic Skills Policy in Germany – Dr. Ulrich Raiser, chairman of the task force for Further and Adult Education of the Länder and Head of the Unit Adult Education and Basic Skills, Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie

The Decade for Literacy in Germany – cooperation and implementation – Karin Küßner, Head of National Coordination point „Decade for Literacy“, Federal Institute for VET

Pathways to basic skills, challenges and success criteria – Prof. Dr. Josef Schrader / Monika Tröster, director of the German Institute for Adult Education and Speaker of the National Scientific Board of the Decade for Literacy

Presentation of the EBSN Capacity Building Series – The EBSN-EPALE Team

The regional strategy for Literacy and Basic Skills and the Alpha-Award in Berlin – Tim Opitz, Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie

Workshop Presentations

Workshop 1 / Presentation No. 1: “Education and Skills Online Assessment” Presentation by Estera Mozina (Slovenian Institute of Adult Education)

Workshop 1 / Presentation No. 2: “Online Skills Online Assessment” Presentation by Miryam de Hoo (CINOP, Netherlands)

Workshop 2: Basic Skills in VET Presentation No. 1: “Upskilling Pathways – Linking Basic Skills and Vocational Learning to Support Progression” Presentation by Alex Stevenson (Learning & Work, UK)

Workshop 2 / Presentation No. 2: “Integration of literacy and numeracy across the VET – policy and procedure” Presentation by Inez Bailey (NALA, Ireland)

Workshop 3 / Presentation No. 1: “Schools as Community Learning Spaces”. Presentation by Christianne Fenech (Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Employability, Malta)

Workshop 3 / Presentation No. 2: “Initial literacy for newly arrived women in Catalan rural areas” Presentation by Caterina Casanovas (ACEFIR, Spain)

Workshop 4: “Basic skills: Journalistic competences for adult educators” LEK-AE project. Presenters: Wilfried Frei (AT); Michael Sommer, (DE); Raffaela Kihrer (EAEA); Maurice de Greef, (BE and NL)


Summing up the main messages of the conference / David Mallows:


Conference Declaration


In 2019 the EBSN Annual Conference will be organised in Tallin, Estonia in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, and the Association of Estonian Adult Educators Andras
