ebsn café The next EBSN Café is on 19 May!

The next EBSN Café is on 19 May!


The following EBSN Café is organised on 19 May from 14:00 CET to 15:30 CET and it will be focusing on the opportunities to promote basic skills development through the recently launched European Year of Skills (EYS) and also introducing the key topics planned to be discussed on the EBSN Conference in June. As the Café is an informal meet up you can jump in even if you have shorter time. The link for the Café will be sent to all our members by e-mail. Please save the date!


The main aim of the EBSN Café’s are to boost interaction among partners and members and to present the latest updates from EBSN members work. This informal series of meet ups also provide a great chance for building partnerships, planning project cooperation and ideas and to widely disseminate events that happen in the network.
