Current members Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST)

Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST)

Il-Kulleġġ Malti għall-Arti, ix-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija (MCAST)



Established in 2001, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology is the country’s leading vocational education and training institution. MCAST offers 180 full-time and over 300 part-time vocational courses. The six MCAST Institutes namely the Institute of Applied Sciences, the Institute for the Creative Arts, the Institute of Engineering and Transport, the Institute of Business Management and Commerce, the Institute of Community Services, the Institute of Information and Communication Technology and the Gozo Campus provide all the technical and professional expertise towards the delivery of the programmes at MCAST. They also maintain the aim of driving forward all the areas of study under their respective responsibility. As part of the college’s curriculum all students following MQF/EQF Level1, Level 2 and Level 3 courses follow compulsory units covering key competences for lifelong learning, namely English, Communication in the Mother Tongue (Maltese), Science, ICT and Community Social Responsibility. On the other hand, Level 4 and Level 6 students cover compulsory units in entrepreneurship and community social responsibility together with other key skills units applicable to their respective vocational area. The development, coordination, delivery and assessment of key skills is overseen by the Education & Training Programmes and Learning Support Department at MCAST.

National / international impact

MCAST is Malta’s largest public Vocational Education and Training College with a population of over 7000 full time students and 3000-part time students. MCAST is a community college for all with a clear strategic direction to open its doors to the whole community, ranging from NGOs, to governmental bodies and to all citizens. A significant number of MCAST staff are also involved in applied research, hence directly contributing to local and international fields to provide new knowledge and solve real-world problems. MCAST is also the UNEVOC Centre in Malta and an active member of the UNEVOC Network. MCAST assists UNEVOC in strengthening and upgrading TVeT not only locally, but especially in the 195 member countries. MCAST actively participates and leads various Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 projects.


MCAST Applied Research –

MCAST Journal of Applied Research and Practice –

Community Social Responsibility –

Learning Support Unit –

MCAST Strategic Plan 2022-2027-A Community College for All –
