The Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Employability (DRLLE) within the Ministry for Education in Malta was set up in June 2009. The mission is to lift barriers for participation in adult learning so that the overall volume of participation in adult learning is increased and address the imbalances in participation in order to achieve a more equitable state of affairs.
The adult learning courses we offer cover a range of competencies: Languages, Mathematical, Science & Technology competences, Digital competence, Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship, Creative Expression, Social, Health and Civic Competences. Over 14,000 adult learners subscribe to one or more of the 400 courses on offer yearly. All adult courses aim to reach from level 1 to level 4 on the National/European Qualifications Framework.
The DRLLE is responsible for a number of morning and evening adult learning centres around Malta and Gozo. Each centre is managed by a Centre Co-ordinator. Besides the Centre Co-ordinators, the Directorate employs a number of co-ordinators responsible for the development of specific subject-areas such as a Co-ordinator for Literacy (Maltese & English) and Numeracy, a Co-ordinator for ICT courses for adult learners, a Co-ordinator responsible for the development of languages and Culture courses and a Co-ordinator for Quality Assurance, Professional Development and Internal Audit.
National / international impact
As the National Coordinator for the European Agenda for Adult Learning, the Directorate is continuously improving the quality of adult teaching and learning in Malta. We are striving for better coordination in the sector to increase participation in adult learning of all kinds (formal, non-formal and informal learning), whether for the acquisition of work skills, for active citizenship, or for personal development and fulfilment.
The Directorate for Lifelong Learning (Malta) is also a member of The European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA).
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