Archive by category "epale"


Join the Upcoming EBSN Online Discussion on EPALE about Basic Skills in the Pact for Skills

The EBSN EPALE Team invites you to a pivotal online discussion "Basic Skills in the Pact for Skills" featuring notable speakers including Miguel Fernandez Diez and other key figures in adult education. Moderated by Daiana Huber, a member of the EBSN Executive Committee, this event promises an in-depth exploration of strategies and challenges in enhancing basic skills. Set to engage educators, poli...
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Service development through integrating adult basic skills – experiences from the field

Why basic skills? There is a long list of policies from a wide range of sectors (e.g., education and training, employment, social affairs) that promote the need for flexible basic skills programs embedded in the context in which adults with less sufficient basic skills live, work, and learn. There are a number of important initiatives, policy reforms (e.g., green transformation, digitalisation, e...
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From Policy to Practice: Innovative Professional Development for Basic Skills Teachers through MOOCs

In today's fast-paced world, the need for continuous learning among adults is more important than ever, particularly during times of crisis. This is a sentiment that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) emphasised already 50 years ago, highlighting in their report ’Recurrent Education: A Strategy for Lifelong Learning (1973)’. Today, the OECD, in collaboration with the...
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The need for professionalising adult basic skills teachers in Europe

As the European Agenda for Adult Learning (EAAL) moves forward into a new decade, it has set an ambitious target: at least 60% of adults aged 25-64 should participate in learning by 2030. To achieve this goal, the participation of low-qualified adults must be enhanced by offering relevant and effective basic skills learning opportunities. In this context, the agenda highlights...
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EPALE podcast – Empowering adults with basic skills needs

Policies focusing on skills, employment, and adult learning have been introduced to foster social inclusion, and labour market integrity in light of the challenges Europe faces today. Making learning more accessible to vulnerable groups and strengthening their position in the labour market are both key to a resilient Europe in the future and it is also of key importance in the light of the Eu...
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